
Telephone: +973 17 822822
Laser Centre: +973 17 822820
  +973 17 822821
Riyadat Branch: +973 17 822131
  +973 17 822141
Fax: +973 17 822899
SMS: +973 39108828

A Patient of Dr. Tariq Hospital has the following rights:

  • To know the mission statement of the Hospital and type of services that we provide.
  • To be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with professional standards for all patients regardless of manner of payment, race, sex, nationality, religion, culture, disability or any other factor.
  • To be treated to the highest professional standards.
  • To receive care that is considerate and respectful of the patient’s personal values and beliefs.
  • To receive healthcare on the basis of clinical need and have assessment and management of pain if appropriate.
  • To receive full information on their condition, care, treatment and aftercare, in terms that are free from professional jargon and verbal translations in order that the patient can fully understand.
  • Upon request to receive a brief medical report as per the policies and procedures of Dr. Tariq Hospital (DTH).
  • To refuse medical advice/treatment and to be informed of any medical consequences and risks of refusing advice/treatment provided.
  • To privacy during examination, procedures, clinical care/treatment and to know who is in attendance and the purpose of those in attendance.
  • To informed consent for treatment, procedures and interventions, as per NHRA & MOH Consent Policy.
  • To receive information about any proposed treatment and to be told if there are any alternatives available inside or outside the hospital and to seek another opinion.
  • To have personal details and medical records kept fully confidential and protected from loss and misuse.
  • To receive relevant, current and understandable information concerning their drugs and treatment.
  • To decision making about the treatment options provided by the Hospital.
  • To discuss and request information related to their specific drug therapy, possible adverse side effects and drug interactions.
  • To be provided with Arabic/English verbal translations when necessary.
  • To appropriate protection and reasonable safety, particularly if they are children, disabled, elderly or vulnerable.
  • To be informed of all treatment options and related costs and expenses prior to making decisions.
  • To receive information on making comments, suggestions or complaints to the Hospital, using the suggestion forms & patient satisfaction surveys available in all departments of the Hospital. You may also contact the hospital complaint hotline on (+973)17822820 for further assistance.

A Patient of Dr. Tariq Hospital has the following responsibilities:

  • Present valid photo ID, and where applicable, insurance claim forms when they attend the facility.
  • Follow the rules and regulations of the Hospital.
  • Follow the treatment plan as outlined by the healthcare professional.
  • Ask any questions if they are not clear about any aspect of the healthcare provided.
  • Consider the rights and responsibilities of other patients and healthcare professionals.
  • Show respect and courtesy to the staff.
  • Avoid using abusive language and/or display unsocial behavior to other patients, visitors and staff.
  • Give accurate information about personal details and past medical history, including current treatments, medications, history of allergy or allergic reaction to any medication.
  • Safeguard any personal belongings brought inside the hospital during a visit/stay in the hospital.
  • Inform the medical staff if you have any special requirements for discharge and be prepared to go home/other facility once medically discharged from the Hospital.
  • Bear the consequences for your own actions if you decide not to follow the healthcare provider’s instructions and/or treatment plan and recommendations.
  • Keep appointment timing (if applicable) and inform the Hospital in advance if you are unable to attend so that the appointment may be used for someone else in need.
  • Be accountable for the payment of the services provided by the Hospital.


Telephone: +973 17 822822
Laser Centre: +973 17 822820
  +973 17 822821
Riyadat Branch: +973 17 822131
  +973 17 822141
Fax: +973 17 822899
SMS: +973 39108828